The membership to this group is open to all married or non-married male members who are up to 40 years. The mission of this group is to create opportunities for the men of the community to participate in the spiritual, religious and cultural life of the community Also, to foster unity, brotherly love, and peaceful co-existence among all men and to the entire community. The members participate in the annual novena to St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, annual parents retreat, provide drinks for the community’s monthly hospitality after Mass and organize yearly Mother’s Day celebrations. Members are divided into five small groups- St. Joseph, St. Patrick, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Christopher. Through the efforts of the group leaders, the men take turns to provide food for the community’s monthly hospitality after Mass. The cultural uniform and dance- with masquerades are always the highlights of the community’s social events.